Any ideas on what to with with a dog that doesn't ike the dark? - Bijon Shih Tzu Cross dogs

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Bijon Shih Tzu Cross dogs

Bijon Shih Tzu Cross dogs

Group of dog lovers who own Bijon Shih Tzu cross dogs. Join to share stories, health issues and more.
  • Created: Aug 2 '17
  • Admin: admin
Rosie420 Aug 27 '17

                 Hi, I have a Bichon & a couple of Shih Tuz's - this is my 2nd Bichon & I've only had her about a month. She's about 9 or 10 years old & doesn't like to go outside when it get dark. I turn on all of the outside lights & even bring a flashlight with. I stay with her for her safety. Winter is coming & it will be dark before & after I get home from work.Any ideas on how to help he not to be afraid?

admin Sep 1 '17
Interesting conundrum. Both my boys don't seem to mind the dark when we walk outdoors. I did have a Shellie years ago who did not like going out when it was dark.

I solved this with some reinforced treats when we went outside when it was dark. I would take "Dudley" for a walk on lead and give him a treat at the door before we start walking.

From there I would treat him for each milestone during the walk. He seemed to take to it (he did love his treats) without too much difficulty.

After about five or six "treat walks" his fear of going out when it was dark disappeared.

My two Bichon / Shih Tzus will do things together that they would not normally do on their own. Sometimes the support of a fellow dog is all that it takes.
admin Sep 1 '17
I meant Sheltie, by the way.
Rosie420 Sep 6 '17
Thanks! The treats are a Very Good idea! I have taken her (Lovey) outside with one of the Shih Tzu's (Dude) and that does seem to help her a bit. She is very food orientated too, so the treats may take care of the issue. Thanks again!
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