In these hard economic times, every Dog Lover is looking for ways to save money. However, sometimes saving pennies now can cost you dollars in the future. As a well-informed dog owner, you are probably already aware of the potentially high costs involved in caring for a pet and have planned accordingly. Here are a few money-saving tips:
I had this brilliant revelation the other day (well brilliant to me but not to the masses before me who already knew the benefits of Dog (and People) Socialization).
I was always one of those people who took my dog for a walk around the neighbourhood (cleaning up after him of course), three or four times a day; same old ...
Traveling with your dog can be great fun, especially if you go by car. Usually there are lots of stops, for both your dog and fellow travellers.
It is surprising the number of hotels that do not mind having pets around, not all all of them do mind you.
A few years ago I to...
It was a warm summer night and I had just come in from my evening walk with Max. I settled into my family room chair to read the paper and Max joined me relaxing on the footstool. IT wasn’t long before Max was in dreamworld.
Suddenly our quiet summer eventing went crazy, super-bright lights flashing in the family room, in...