Seven Tips To Keep Your Dog Safe This Summer from admin's blog

Everyone loves the summer.

Who doesn’t look forward to the sunshine and warm temperatures? Long, warm days lazing in the backyard, lounging by the pool or on a sandy beach. Or camping in the mountains and enjoying hikes in the forest. But summer does pose special hazards for your dog. Here are some tips for keeping your canine friend safe this summer:

1-Don’t ever leave your dog in the car, even for a short while. Temperatures in a parked car in outside temperatures above 65 degrees F. (18 degrees C.) escalate very rapidly even with windows open. Many dogs die this way from heat stroke every summer.

2-Watch your dog carefully for signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Dogs can’t get rid of excess body heat by sweating the way humans do, the only way your dog can regulate her body heat is by open-mouthed panting. Early warning signs are excessive panting and drooling, lethargy and unresponsiveness. Get your pup out of the heat right away, into an air-conditioned place or let her wade in cool water, like a pool or lake. Give her cold water to drink but don’t force her, she may aspirate it. Cool, wet cloths placed on her neck or belly may help. If in doubt, take her to a vet as soon as possible.

3- Prevent heat exhaustion by avoiding the heat of the day. Walk or exercise her in early morning or late evening. This will be easier on you, too. Avoid hot parking lots, roads and sidewalks, they can burn her foot pads severely. Provide lots of shade and cool water to drink.

4- Better yet, keep your dog indoors in hot weather. Don’t forget, if you’re feeling uncomfortably hot, so is your dog. A cool, air-conditioned room is ideal but a basement room with a tiled or concrete floor will help your dog stay cool, as will moving air from a fan.

5-Don’t shave your dog’s coat, keep it long. It may seem counter-intuitive but according to Rene Carlson, DVM, president of the American Veterinary Medical Association, a well-brushed and tangle-free coat provides better air circulation and helps regulate body temperature. A shaved coat also offers less protection from the intense summer sun.

6-Shield your dog’s delicate skin from potential sunburn and skin damage. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in dogs, and although your dog’s coat will provide some protection, you can also apply a good pet sunblock to the least fur covered areas, like their bellies, noses, eyelids and rims of their ears. Use a sunscreen specifically made for pets, human sunblocks like zinc oxide can be toxic to dogs. Dog breeds most susceptible to sunburn are greyhounds, boxers, pit bulls, Dalmatians, Weimaraners, and Chinese crested dogs. Hairless breeds and dogs with white or light-coloured coats are the most likely to get sunburned.

7- If your dog does get sunburned, home remedies such as aloe vera creams help the skin heal more quickly and moisturize at the same time. Vitamin E oil applied to a sunburned area like your dog’s nose can help healing. Witch Hazel dabbed onto a sore area with a cotton ball can cool down burned skin. It is a natural astringent with antiseptic properties. But if your dog is in pain or the skin is broken, take her in to see your vet as soon as possible.

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